February 11, 2017 | #1706—Israel My Glory: In Depth-January/February


This week we’ll dig deep into the current Israel My Glory magazine, From Failure to Faith: Jacob’s Journey to Becoming Israel. Chris will explain how the failure Jacob faced in life largely came from his failure to let go of his control. We’re a lot that too aren’t we? When we are having trouble giving up our control we need to know that it’s okay to wrestle with God through prayer and the reading of His Word. But when we obey and submit to Him, faith begins.

Interview—Peter Colón

Chris talks with Peter Colón, our creative resource coordinator and Bible teacher here at The Friends of Israel. Peter wrote an article in the recent Israel My Glory about Jacob and Esau. He explains their difficult relationship that started before birth. And we’ll learn how much of their strife could’ve been avoided if they simply let go and let God take care of everything. It’s a good lesson for all of us.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:
»Walk by Night (Ketsa)

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