April 25, 2015 | #1517—A Promise He’s Keeping, Part 2




“Last week we started a series called A Promise He’s Keeping where we unpacked the Abrahamic Covenant or Abrahamic Promise. A promise that God made to Abram that becomes a foundational promise in the Scriptures, remember Abrams name doesn’t change to Abraham until Genesis 17 . The promise made to Abraham acts like a thread that runs through the bible keeping the direction of God’s plan of redemption for everyone moving forward. ”
Message Transcript

#AskFOI—Interview: Dr. Elwood McQuaid, Pt. 2

Elwood_McQuaidChris continues his interview with Friends of Israel radio pioneer and long-time host, Dr. Elwood McQuaid.

Resources by Elwood McQuaid


Apples of Gold

“Sitting On Top of a Volcano”

Zvi returns to work after another harrowing stretch of military service. His co workers are shocked that he has survived. To which he replies, “Is it perhaps because the Lord has a plan for me—to proclaim His gospel—that He saved me? I am sure of this. And this is not the first time that the Lord has saved me. I have been in similar situations before, but, as you can see, I am safe and sound. Is it not a miracle?”