May 30, 2015 | #1522—An Audible Call, Part 3



  Message—An Audible Call, Part 3

Today, we finish up our series on the life of Samuel, the priest, judge, and prophet.

 “Samuel is one of the most unique characters in the Bible. Why? Because he held several important ancient Israelite titles. God kept this one man many very busy… he served the Lord as a Priest, a Judge, and Prophet. It’s unusual to see one man occupy so many important positions. Additionally, Samuel served the Lord during a crucial transition in Israel’s history. He is often referred to as one of Israel’s last judges… because he stood on the cusp of Israel transitioning from the Lord being King of Israel and the Judges monitoring Israel’s spiritual pulse, to enthroning a human King to rule over Israel.”
 AskFOI | Guest: Ehud Diskin (@13:34)

Chris interviews Ehud Diskin about his new book, Yes, It’s Possible.

Ehud Diskin was born in Jerusalem in 1944. As a soldier and officer, he fulfilled a series of combat roles in Israel’s wars. Meanwhile he attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned a PhD in business management. He has succeeded impressively as a businessman in the United States, and today divides his time between Los Angeles and Tel Aviv.

Yes, it's possible

Ehud Diskin’s new book, Yes, It’s Possible is available for purchase at Amazon.


Apples of Gold | “No Dreams, Just Facts” (@19:02)

Zvi is back in the army again. The unit is forbidden to sleep while on watch, so their conversation turns to dreaming. When his chance to speak comes, Zvi shares Truth rather than dreams.
“This was all new to these soldiers. They had been in darkness for so long, but now they were beginning to see the light. After that, everyone read and discussed verses from the Bible, instead of telling stories. I read and explained Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Their eyes began to see, and their ears began to hear. Then they took my Bible and began to read it. They even asked for Bibles of their own containing the New Testament.”


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto no3 mvt3 allegro (Advent Chamber Orchestra) / CC BY-SA 3.0
Vapour Trails (Jelsonic) / CC BY 4.0

Available on the Free Music Archive

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