September 19, 2015 | #1538—Yom Kippur

Message—Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. The holiest day on the Jewish Calendar. You may know it as The Day of Atonement. This high holy day begins Tuesday evening, September 22nd and ends Wednesday, September 23rd 2015. In his message today, Chris will talk about the importance of Yom Kippur and how Christ has become OUR once for all atonement.

Message Transcript

AskFOI— What are your thoughts on the Shmita and it’s connection to end-times prophecy? (@13:09)

“Here’s what the Shmita is not:

It’s not connected to end times prophecy. I have to repeat myself… it’s not connected to end times prophecy my friends. Many are making a big deal that the blood moons, which I debunked in a previous message and you can find on, are connected to the 70th Jubilee year since Israel entered the land in 1400 BC. That somehow now that we are at the 70th Jubilee the Hebrew calendar is coming to a close.”

Listen to this segment @ 13:09.


Produced by Andre’ Djaoui

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Apples of Gold–”What do you think of the Messiah?” (@19:00)

Last Thursday, I was on patrol in the main street of former Arab Jerusalem. Around three o’clock in the morning, I noticed a group of people coming my way. They were fully dressed in black robes. I thought they were priests, but when they came close I realized that they were students at an Orthodox Jewish school. Because it was my duty to do so, I stopped them and asked what they were doing out so early in the morning. They answered in unison, “We are going to the West Wall to recite Slichot.”


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Like a River Glorious, (Timothy Shaw, Rejoice!)
»Illuminated Path (Ketsa) / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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