October 17, 2015 | #1542—Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Message—Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem

Several popular Christmas songs talk about the concept of peace on earth. And whether you’re religious, spiritual, or secular we all have the same longing for peace. However, there isn’t peace on earth, and the idea of it seems to be more elusive by the day as we hear about tragedy after tragedy on the news. Is this really the peace on earth that was supposed to come with the birth of Christ? Looking through the perspective of Psalm 122:6, we see that the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, will return and Jerusalem will be the focal point of where God will administer peace globally to a world longing for it.

Message Transcript

Interview Guest— Josh Reinstein (@13:29)

Recently there has been a string of Palestinian attacks on Israelis, which first started in the West Bank and now has worked its way out to Tel Aviv. Josh Reinstein, Director of the Knessett Christian Allies Caucus in Jerusalem, joins us on the program to talk about these attacks and what Israel is doing to try to put a stop to these terrorists.

Josh Reinstein has been the Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus since its inception on January 5th 2004. Before assuming his present position, he served as English Language Spokesperson for the Israel Beiteinu-National Union Party, and for Uri Lupliansky, the Mayor of Jerusalem, during his election campaign. Mr. Reinstein also owns and operates JSR International Marketing, an international marketing and public relations firm based in Israel. Listen to this segment @ 13:29.

In 2012, Mr. Reinstein was named as one of the “50 most influential Jews in the world” by the Jerusalem Post.

Learn more about the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus.


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Apples of Gold–”Food For Thought” (@18:54)

While working near the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Zvi comes into contact with several students. The students, due to their studies at such a fine school, often try to sound intelligent and boast about the great and famous names that they know of. However, Zvi explains that men such as Shakespeare, Tolstoi, and Einstein were simply gifted but not great. In all circumstances, Zvi tells the students to call on God; the only one who can give them everything they need in life and the only one who can save their eternal souls.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Convalescence II: Love Again (Anima) / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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