October 31, 2015 | #1544—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 1

Message—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 1

The book of Leviticus is daunting to read, and if we’re honest with ourselves, we either avoid reading it or find it confusing if we do. This is true for many reasons. There is more than 3 millennia of cultural difference, different worship styles, different ways of connecting to God, and different holidays and festivals. However, if we stop and bring understanding to the general message of Leviticus, we can better understand the bits and pieces that don’t make sense to us today. Join us for the next two weeks as we study and bring to life this foundational book that is often the most neglected.

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Israel–Peace Through Business (@13:05)

Israel is ready for peace. They believe if their Middle East neighbors would stop fighting them and invest that energy into business they could be a real force for good in the world. Find out why they believe this as we look at some recent actions taken by the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee and how they are a sign of desired peace.

Read Chris’s blog post on this topic, Peace from the Ground Up.


The Tabernacle
by David Levy

Explore Israel’s wilderness Tabernacle, the service of the priesthood, and the significance of the sacrifices. Excellent illustrations will open new vistas of biblical truth as ceremonies, sacrifices, and priestly service reveal the perfections of the Messiah.

Get Your Copy Today


Apples of Gold–”The Private Detective” (@18:52)

As a member of a house committee that represented the residents of an apartment building in Jerusalem, Zvi had the opportunity to meet many people and make several good friends. One day, a new resident starting asking him questions about faith and God. Check out this dramatic reading from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher and see how he uses the New Testament to speak truth to this man.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Secret Place (Alex Fitch) / CC BY-NC 3.0
»Kinderszenen Op. 15, Kind im Einschlummern, Robert Schumann (archive.org)

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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