November 14, 2015 | #1546—Interview: Peter Spencer

Interview—Peter Spencer

peter-spencerThis week, Chris invites Dr. Peter Spencer onto the program to discuss his highly acclaimed movie, Return to the Hiding Place.

After spending several years in the advertising industry, Peter Spencer founded Halo TV and Film. Dr. Spencer has won numerous national awards for writing, producing and directing – including his TV series Heroes of the Faith shown on over 2,000 stations worldwide. He is an accomplished researcher of historic events, including forty-six television specials.

He received his Master of Divinity Degree in 2005 and his Doctorate in Biblical Studies in 2007. His doctoral dissertation, based on archeological research and discovery, was recently published in the book The DaVinci Cult. His interviews with his mentor Hans Poley led him to research the Dutch Archives, life histories, and survivors of the Hiding Place and their friends. This inspiration created a world immersed in the realities of Holland in the 40’s, inspiring a meticulous, realistic scriptv70d for Return to the Hiding Place. Now a fully-realized feature film, Return to the Hiding Place has won an astounding 19+ film honors and festival wins combined and more than doubled the projected independent box office numbers, ranking it fifth in the nation for per-screen average during its test run in May 2014.

Learn more about the work Peter is doing, including the Orange Resistance Campaign, at his website.

We highly recommend getting a copy of Return to the Hiding Place,  the thrilling true tale of how young people dared to resist one of history’s cruelest tyrants, showing how a handful of devoted young people can change the tide of history. Please note: this film is rated PG-13.

Due to time constraints we aired an edited version of our interview with Peter. Listen to the entire discussion below.

AskFOI—Can you explain the Apostle Paul’s dilemma in Romans 7? (@12:31)

Chris will take a look at the vulnerability that Paul shows in this chapter during our Ask FOI segment. Paul takes on the theological issue of sanctification and applies his own struggles to it. You’ll see that the problem Paul faces is a problem that many of us face as well; trying to be more like Christ through self-sanctification.


The New Nature
by Renald Showers

The believer always has the potential of internal, spiritual struggle, because he has two opposing natures dwelling in him. The old nature, a disposition of enmity against God, tries to control the believer in opposition to God’s rule.

Get Your Copy Today


Apples of Gold–”No one will remember her” (@19:06)

It is no secret that people fear death. But death cannot be avoided. That was the subject of conversation among Zvi and his neighbors when an elderly woman in their neighborhood died. Many were lamenting her passing, and how she had no money or children to ensure that her memory would live on. Listen to this dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher and hear how he used this opportunity to speak about the Messiah and the secure future he could look forward to because of his belief in Jesus.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Come Away (Jim Rooster) / CC BY 3.0

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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