February 6, 2016 | #1605—Israel My Glory: In Depth-Jan/Feb

Long Segment—Israel My Glory: In Depth

This week’s program is the first of its kind, as we begin a new feature called “Israel My Glory In Depth.” Every two months we’ll focus on the current issue of Israel My Glory magazine. The theme of the current issue happens to be Romans chapters 9 through 11. This portion of scripture is one of the most detailed, thorough New Testament arguments that makes a case for Israel. Join our host and Bible teacher, Chris Katulka, as he explains why God is not through with Israel and why God still has a plan for Israel.

Short Segment—Interview: Mike Stallard

mike-stallardIn this week’s short segment, we’ll interview Mike Stallard. Mike will discuss his article called “The Permanence of the Promise” which you can read in the latest issue of Israel My Glory.

Dr. Stallard is the Dean of Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. He also serves as Director of Ph.D. Studies and Professor of Systematic Theology. His main areas of teaching are dispensational premillennialism and theological method.

He is the founder and director of Mission Scranton and the founding pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Before going into full-time ministry, he was an aerospace engineer including working on F-16 jet fighters for the Israeli Defense Force. Mike lives with his wife Cindy in the Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania area. They have three grown children.

Israel My Glory Magazine

Hard-hitting, accurate, up-to-date analysis of Israel and the Middle East. Thought-provoking examination of God’s Word. Answers about the end-times.

The truth behind today’s headlines. Immediate access to the latest books and resources. People who want to be informed—and have a heart for God’s Chosen People—rely on Israel My Glory.


Apples of Gold—Return to Me, says the Lord

“If every synagogue were locked, would you not pray?”
In this dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher, journey back to a time when Zvi was waiting for the bus in Jerusalem and asked two young men that question. These men had approached him to ask for directions to a synagogue since theirs was locked up. Listen and hear them receive more than directions as Zvi sees an opportunity to share truth and God’s love with them.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»The Rain Dance (Anima)
»Beethoven – Bagatelle op.119 nº9 (Circus Marcus) / CC BY-NC 4.0

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