March 19, 2016 | #1612—Purim (with Bruce Scott)

Long Segment—Bruce Scott Interview

bruce-scottBruce Scott is the director of field ministries for The Friends of Israel and also directs our Hesed Project. He is the author of the popular book, The Feasts of Israel.

This week, Chris Katulka interviews Bruce about the upcoming celebration of Purim.

Short Segment—What’s Your Source of Confidence, Part 2

When confidence comes from believing in ourselves, that’s where trouble usually starts. In part 2 of Chris Katulka’s series on confidence, he’ll continue looking at the source of our confidence through the lens of Psalm 46 when King Hezekiah learned the hard way that confidence in ourselves leaves us feeling desperate, empty, and alone.

The Feasts of Israel

by Bruce Scott

How can you know the fullness of Jesus unless you study the Old Testament pictures of Christ?

Dig into the major and minor Jewish feasts and festivals. Discover that much of what Jesus said and did—which sometimes seems mysterious to us—suddenly makes complete sense when we understand the rich symbolism behind the holidays and feasts of ancient Israel.


Apples of Gold—Who is On Our Side?

In this dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor and believer in Jesus, Zvi Kalisher, we hear a conversation between Zvi and his Arab neighbors. They speak with him often, and brag of their strength and their belief that Israel will soon be wiped off the map. Listen and hear as Zvi combats their boastful words with truth from God’s Word about whose side God is on.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

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