September 3, 2016 | #1636—Elisha: The Prophet of Change

Elisha: The Prophet of Change

We love to fix problems, but oftentimes we really don’t want to do the work of changing who we are. That kind of change has to happen in your heart, and maybe you’re asking if God can really change you and make you whole. That is why we look to the wonderfully encouraging life of Elisha, and how his life is an example of how we can be transformed by a life of faith and trust in our loving Father.

The Chariot of Israel

by Will Varner

Elijah is one of the most compelling personalities of all human history. His life combined frailty and faith in unusual measure. Author Will Varner will help you understand Elijah’s unique life and ministry with his clear and timely insights. The Chariot of Israel is truly a significant book for an age in history when mankind so desperately needs an example of a man of God.


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AskFOI—Is there a difference between the modern State of Israel and the Israel of future biblical prophecy?

In our Ask FOI segment, a listener asks, “Is there a difference between the modern state of Israel and the Israel of future biblical prophecy?” Listen to hear why Chris says the answer is no…and yes.


Apples of Gold—Worlds Apart

In this dramatic reading from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher, he is walking along the beach and meets two disheveled and distraught men. They explain that they have done so many bad things that God could never possibly forgive them. However, after an honest conversation and some truth from Scripture, Zvi helps change their worldview in a way they never imagined.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Learning to Live With What You’re Not (Steve Combs)
»Slow Motion Part 3 (Peter Rudenko)

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