December 31, 2016 | #1653—God is Greater Than Life

This program is a rebroadcast from February 27, 2016.

God is Greater Than Life

For many of us, God is greater than our jobs, our finances, our homes, and even our own health. But what happens when tragedy strikes our family? When a tragedy like that affects a parent, spouse, or child, it’s way past the boundaries we’ve set up. For many, it can lead to questioning the very existence of God. Join us this week as our host Chris Katulka shares why God is greater than life itself, and how remembering that during times of tragedy frees you like nothing else can.

ASKFOI—How did Abraham get saved?

How did Abraham get saved? We’ll look to the Scriptures in Genesis 15 to answer that question in our Ask FOI segment.

Do you have a question for Chris? Send your AskFOI question and he might answer it on the air! Visit The Friends of Israel Today to learn more.

The Search

This is the poignant, true account of a Jewish woman’s quest to find the ultimate answers about faith, God, and life after death. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop! A wonderful book for all who think their good deeds will get them to heaven. You will long remember Lorna’s true story and the heartwarming stops on a journey that brought this Jewish woman to undeniable truth about faith, God, and life after death.



It has been 63 years since Israel became a state. Much time has passed, and after everything Zvi endured in his life, he is humbled and amazed that he is still alive. This week during Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher, listen and hear him reflect on the moment when he was first given a Bible and realized after all these years that it was the Lord on his side all along.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Pretend and Walk Outside, Krackatoa

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