January 21, 2017 | #1703—Ministry Update: Youthfest

Ministry Update: YouthFest – Tim Munger

How is God calling up the next generation of Christian leaders? Tim Munger, a church ministries representative here at The Friends of Israel wondered the same thing. After careful reflection and planning, he designed YouthFEST, a three-day missionary conference for young adults. Tim’s heart is to expose these young adults to missionaries from various organizations by spending time in the Word of God, through fellowship, and learning about their work on the mission field. What’s Tim’s hope in all of this? That some of these students will feel a calling by God to commit their lives to God for full-time Christian work. We at The Friends of Israel Today love this ministry! If you want to be a part of helping young adults attend this life-changing conference, you can sponsor a teen today. You can check out upcoming events Here, or to learn more, you can also visit our YouthFEST Facebook page.

2016-2017 Gift Catalog

Did you know The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry has a gift catalog? If you love the Jewish people and are looking for ways to change lives in Jesus’ name, visit our gift catalog online to see the different ways to get involved. You can also download a free copy  or if you’d prefer, call 888-343-6940 to get a copy mailed to you.

To have a gift catalog mailed to you, please fill out the form below:
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UN Resolution 2334

The last few weeks we’ve been been talking about the United States’ abstention on UN Resolution 2334 against Israel. This resolution says that any Israeli living in the towns of Judea and Samaria are illegal occupiers. The Obama administration’s Secretary of State John Kerry recently said this resolution reflects the United States’ government and citizens. Chris explains how this simply cannot be true.

Apples of Gold: Sheep Among Wolves

One day as Zvi was out praying and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, he walked into an anti-missionary organization. When he was approached by a worker Zvi asked what it was that they did there. The worker explained they help save their fellow brothers who have fallen prey to the missionaries’ teaching of falsehoods. When Zvi stated, “I never heard of anyone dying from reading the Bible” everyone turned and looked at him. Listen and find out what their response was to this seemingly simple statement.

There are more stories like this from Zvi Kalisher! Purchase The Best of Zvi from our online store.

For more on the life of Zvi Kalisher, visit our online store to find his biography, Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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