February 18, 2017 | #1707-Dead Sea Scrolls at 70

Interview: Dr. Randall Price

Dr. Randall Price is an author, theologian, professor, archaeologist, president and founder of World of the Bible Ministries, as well as a regular contributor to our magazine Israel My Glory. We are excited to have him on our program this week to talk about the significances of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Price will share the true story of the finding of the scrolls seventy years ago by a group of Bedouins, some he interviewed himself.

Learn how these ancient scrolls have impacted modern translations of the Bible and how testify to the world of God’s unchanging Words! Do not miss this encouraging interview with one of the top archaeologists of our day.

Learn more on Dr. Price’s website, worldofthebible.com
Read the latest news release on the findings of the twelfth cave from Hebrew University.

The Stones Cry Out

by Dr. Randall Price

If you want to learn more about how archaeology gives proof to the Bible’s historical past, you will want to order Dr. Randall Price’s book The Stones Cry Out.  Journey with Dr. Price as he explores the Promised Land. Your faith will be strengthened by the exciting archaeological finds along with testimonies and interviews from leading archaeologists. In an age of biblical skepticism Dr. Price’s book provides the tools you need to defend God’s Word all while leaving you encouraged in your faith.


Apples of Gold: I can speak to you as friends

While Zvi was serving in the army in Samaria he went with a group of soldiers to eat lunch. When they entered the restaurant a group of Arabs started harassing the soldiers. Hear how Zvi was able to turn a potentially stressful situation into a divine appointment for both the Arabs and Israeli soldiers. Be encouraged!


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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