March 25, 2017 | #1712-Ezra and the Stirring of the Lord

Ezra: Rebuilding

“In the first year of Cyrus King of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom…” (Ezra 1:1).

This week Chris takes us to the book of Ezra. We’ll see how the Israelites, who were exiled, are sent back to Israel to rebuild. How did God accomplish this task? By stirring in the spirit of the king of Persia. King Cyrus was not a follower of the Israelite’s God but that did not mean God was not working in his life.

Has God ever stirred in your spirit? Chris will explain what that means and how God did this in his life years ago. Don’t miss it!

Israel Relief Fund

A bomb shelter placed in Israel through the Israel Relief Fund

Here at The Friends of Israel, we take God at His Word when we read in Genesis 12:3 (speaking of Israel), “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.”

Because of this we started the Israel Relief Fund. Generous gifts through this fund have saved lives all over the country of Israel. Through this fund we have been able to provide bomb shelters in vulnerable areas of Israel, men and women who are trapped in lives of drug addiction and prostitution have found freedom in God, and young lives are being saved from abortion by supporting single mothers.

When you give to the Israel Relief Fund, know that 100% of your support goes to Israel and helps to save lives both physically and spiritually. When you donate, you are being a True friend of Israel!


Interview: Eli Burman

Eli Burman, representing One Israel Fund joins Chris. This organization is helping the Jewish people resettle in the biblical heartland of the Israel, Judea and Samaria. We often hear negative stories on the news about these communities but Eli sets the record straight.

Learn more about One Israel Fund

Apples of Gold: Glory Through Suffering

Often Zvi would go to the synagogues to tell people about Jesus. Many wanted to throw him out but once Zvi shared with them about his struggles during the Holocaust, they asked him to stay. Listen how Zvi was about to share his faith in God through this terrible suffering.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

» He Leadeth Me [Paul Jones & David Kim], from the CD, The Lord is My Shepherd, Used with permission

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