Israel My Glory: In Depth-July/August

Interview: Ty Perry

Imagine watching as the the people and land where you have been enslaved for generations is wrecked by plagues that you and your family are miraculously spared from. Or think about what it must’ve been like walking on dry ground through the middle of the Red Sea, escaping the enemy that seems to be on your heels. These are actual miracles the people of Israel experienced as Moses led them from Egypt. God promised them a land and they followed the leader God put into place. Wouldn’t you think when the twelve spies returned to tell Moses what they saw in the land God promised them, the people would confidently cry, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” But they didn’t. They forgot.

Chris welcomes to the program Ty Perry, author of the article “Fiasco at Kadesh Barnea” in our most recent issue of Israel My Glory magazine. Ty will explain how the people of Israel forgot to have faith in God. The same God that brought them out of Egypt. We’ll learn how this forgetfulness isn’t just an Israelite problem but a people problem!

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Israel My Glory Magazine


Hard-hitting, accurate, up-to-date analysis of Israel and the Middle East. Thought-provoking examination of God’s Word. Answers about the end-times. The truth behind today’s headlines. Immediate access to the latest books and resources. People who want to be informed—and have a heart for God’s Chosen People—rely on Israel My Glory.


Levites and the Tabernacle

Do you have a job that’s often overlooked? Maybe you feel you’re a cog in a wheel with little significance. Chris shares with us the job of the Levites in the Old Testament. Many think of this tribe’s job as glamorous but the job of the Levites was a hard one but one that was very close to God’s heart. Be encouraged as we learn that God sees you. He sees and is pleased with the work we do. As we change those diapers or empty those trashcans, God is pleased!


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:
»Take My Life, and Let it Be (Timothy Shaw, Rejoice! Devotional Hymn Settings) Used with permission


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