March 3, 2018 | Ministry Highlight: Jim Showers/Israel Relief Fund

Interview: Jim Showers

We welcome to the program Jim Showers, our executive director here at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. Jim shares with us about a program that is very near and dear to his heart, the Israel Relief Fund. Why is sending relief to Israel close to Jim’s heart? Because he believes it’s close to God’s heart! Listen as Jim explains how actively blessing Israel is the true biblical meaning of Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.”

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry began in 1938 because of a group of businessmen and pastors in Philadelphia, PA saw the horrors of the Holocaust and wanted to help those trying to escape. Relief was sent to the Holy Land from Christians wanting to actively help the Jewish people. It’s easy see that relief is in our DNA. That’s why actively giving back to Israel is vital to our organization.

Israel Relief Fund

The Israel Relief Fund saves lives all over the country of Israel. In a few short years those who have given have been able to build bomb shelters in vulnerable areas, help to free men and women who are trapped in lives of drug addiction or prostitution, and provide alternatives to abortion so mothers will choose life over death.

Genesis 12:3 says “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.” When you give to the Israel Relief Fund, know that your gift goes to helps to save lives both physically and spiritually. Donate today!

In Canada? Give Here


Israel Relief Fund

What are some of the ways the Israel Relief Fund helps Israel? Jim breaks down the giving into thirds. One-third: healthcare and human rights in Israel just as Israel’s “Red Cross” organization Magen David Adom. They supply all the ambulances in Israel and 90% of the blood is supplied by this vital organization. One-third: to the protection and recovery work in Israel. Donors of the Israel Relief Fund have provided 25 bomb shelters in the vulnerable areas of Israel, saving countless lives. One-third: social service needs in Israel including children, young adults, and even babies and their mothers.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this week’s show:

»He Leadeth Me [Paul Jones & David Kim], from the CD, The Lord is My Shepherd, Used with permission
»O God Beyond All Praising, Tim Shaw (from Hymns of Comfort and Praise)   

Comments 1

  1. Muy bien. Que Dios te bendiga por este trabajo que se está haciendo.
    El tema es muy interesante para todas las personas que quieren saber sobre el trabajo en Israel.

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