October 6, 2018 | Israel My Glory: In Depth-September/October 2018

Interview: Tom Simcox

“The Ultimate Con” is the title of Tom Simcox’s article in the most recent issue of Israel My Glory magazine. Tom is one of our Bible teachers and church representatives here at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. We welcome him to the program this week to talk with Chris about his article and its focus on the Antichrist. We’ll hear all about the Antichrist and how this man who is put into power by Satan will deceive the world, including Israel!

You can read the entire article, “The Ultimate Con” by Tom Simcox HERE.

Israel My Glory Magazine

We believe that understanding sound Bible doctrine does not require a scholarly education and that the Bible can and should be taught to everyone. We also strive to bring you relevant, timely reports about what’s truly happening in the Middle East. And when it comes to current events as they relate to Bible prophecy, we do not sensationalize for the sake of “news” but look at events in light of God’s Word.

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What the Bible says about the Antichrist

In our second segment, Chris will explain the characteristics of Jesus and how the Antichrist stacks up. (Spoiler Alert: it’s the complete opposite!) We’ll also learn what the Bible specifically says about the Antichrist and what that means to us as believers.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 2

    1. Jesus Christ did for me what I could not do for myself. Do not believe the con-artist, receive the free gift and live forever. There is a heaven and a hell and the devil, the antichrist, and false prophet along with others that believe this lie, will eventually be thrown in the lake of fire.

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