October 13, 2018 | II Peter—Living the Christian Life, Part 1

II Peter: Living the Christian Life, Part 1

“God wants you to be happy!” Sadly, this phrase is being shouted in the Christian world these days. But what if God doesn’t want us to simply be happy? What if His will for us is to live fully abundant, Spirit-led lives? What if that means suffering for Jesus’ name? These questions can seem very scary but if we trust the One who is holding our lives in His hands then instead of fear we can have peace.

This week we begin a three week series on the book of 2 Peter. As we read the Gospels and the book of Acts we see a transformation in Peter’s life that can only be explained as a work of the Holy Spirit. In Acts we see the cowering man that hid in the shadows while Jesus was being crucified gone and in his place, a bold man proclaiming the good news of his Savior, Jesus Christ.

2 Peter is all about how Christians can live a life honoring to God in a world that is very, very broken. Chris will show us this week how we should be living by the power of the Holy Spirit. And we’ll learn how the growing of our faith as believers comes from being guided by God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As believers in Christ, we should not settle for happiness! Happiness is fleeting. When we are fully surrendered to God’s will there may be hardships but they are worth it—because Jesus is worth it. We hope you are as blessed by this series as we are!

If you’d like to listen to Part 2 of this series, Click Here

II Peter: Standing Fast in the Last Days

By Elwood McQuaid

Second Peter’s three chapters embody virtually everything we as believers need to know about how to live like Christ today. In the book, Standing Fast in the Last Days, Dr. Elwood McQuaid walks you through the letter of Second Peter, encouraging believers to live a godly life in light of Christ’s second coming.


Apples of Gold: No Dreams—Just Facts

While Zvi was serving in the Israeli Defense Force, he was on night duty with some religious soldiers. Nighttime watch can be very boring, however these men got into a spirited conversation about Jesus. They were all amazed to see that Jesus was not only found in the New Testament Scriptures but also the Old Testament. Listen how Zvi boldly but gently spoke to these curious soldiers.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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