October 20, 2018 | II Peter—Living the Christian Life, Part 2

II Peter: Living the Christian Life, Part 2

What if someone rang your doorbell today and asked for money to buy a large house or buy a private jet? It’s safe to say you would think they were crazy. Yet, you can turn your television on and see so-called pastors manipulate Bible verses to show how sending money to his or her organization or church so that they can buy a private jet or build a large home for “the ministry”, will bless you.  

This week we continue our series in 2 Peter. Last week we learned about the importance of staying in God’s Word and trusting the Holy Spirit. This week in chapter 2, Peter transitions quite suddenly and warns believers of false teachers among them. We’ll learn the only way to guard ourselves from these teachers is to know God’s Word!

We hope as you listen, God will put a hunger in your heart to know His Word better and to guard yourselves and those in your watch, from false teachers that are all around us. We know that it can be scary discerning a teacher that has pure intentions and one that is manipulating for their own gain. This is where reading your Bible and praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance will help as you guard yourself against such teachers.  

If you missed Part One of this series, you can Listen Here.

If you’d like to hear Part Three, Listen Now

II Peter: Standing Fast in the Last Days

By Elwood McQuaid

Second Peter’s three chapters embody virtually everything we as believers need to know about how to live like Christ today. In the book, Standing Fast in the Last Days, Dr. Elwood McQuaid walks you through the letter of Second Peter, encouraging believers to live a godly life in light of Christ’s second coming.


Apples of Gold: Around the Corner

While visiting a market in Jerusalem, Zvi saw a large crowd gathered. He walked up and asked someone why people were there. A bystander explained that there was a man who performed miracles inside. Zvi boldly asked who gave this man the power of the devil! The bystander left and brought back a group of men who began asking Zvi questions. Hear how Zvi stood up to these men while also sharing the Truth of God’s Word to them.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 1

  1. I just want to “Thank you” for the Up-Close e-newsletter. It really does bring into focus in timely and succinct fashion the issues we all face in our Christian lives from a Biblical perspective.

    If I could offer one suggestion, I much more enjoyed Chris Katulka’s lead articles when they were presented in an audio/visual format, instead of just in audio.

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