November 17, 2018 | Pictures of Christ in the Psalms – Part 1 (REBROADCAST)

This program is a rebroadcast from July 8, 2017

Psalm 2 (Authority) – Pictures of Christ

We’re starting a two-part series this week entitled, “Pictures of Christ from the Psalms” which highlights different characteristics of the Messiah in the Psalms. Did you know there are over 100 quotations in the New Testament connecting the Psalms to Jesus? Chris will take us to Psalm 2 and show us something many do not make a connection to: Jesus’ Sonship is uniquely tied to Jesus’ Kingship. It’s a fascinating tie that many struggle to see.

We’ll see the psalmist reference the rebellion of the nations in Psalm 2 and how the rebellion or sin nature that is in all of us blinds us to the freedom we find in the authority of King Jesus. We hope it leaves you asking, “Am I submitting to the authority of my King and am I living that out in front of a rebellious and sinful world?”

30 Days in the Land of the Psalms
by Charles Dyer

The Jewish and Christian communities read the Psalms regularly, but have you thought about how much we’re missing by not knowing the setting in which they were written?

Many of the Psalms remain a mystery because the author makes reference to places we’ve never been. Dr. Charlie Dyer skillfully brings a select number of Psalms to life in his book, 30 Days in the Land of the Psalms. This one-month devotional will take you on an extraordinary journey to the land of Israel.


Interview: Charles Dyer – Psalm 23

We welcome Dr. Charlie Dyer to the program. He is the author of our featured book (see above), “30 Days in the Land of the Psalms” Dr. Dyer talks about Psalm 23 and explains since most readers of the Bible don’t live in an agricultural setting like in King David’s day, what role or significance does a Shepherd play in a believers life today? He’ll also explain some other unique phrases from Psalm 23 and their meaning the true context.

Dr. Charlie Dyer is host of the radio program The Land and the Book. He teaches at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Dyer is an Old Testament scholar as well as an authority on Middle Eastern history and religion. As a former licensed guide to Israel, he has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East over the last two decades and has authored and co-edited many books and articles on the Middle East and the Old Testament.

Apples of Gold: The Lost is Found

Zvi takes time to speak to a man who is known in his town as a drunkard. After listening to his sad life story, Zvi takes time to explain the heartache he too has gone through in life. When the man asks him how he has survived and thrived in life, Zvi was able to tell him about his relationship with Jesus the Messiah. Listen as the man considers the possibility of true freedom in Jesus.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 3

  1. We love the friends of Israel, Israel my Glory magazine, Zvi (Apples of Gold). Thank you for this posting today. I have listened to it all, and although spending time in the Psalms, and have written of the 23rd Ps., I have learned much. Visit my Blog please. I an an 93 year old born again one, still serving the Lord the best I know how: Thank you.

  2. I just want to thank you for FOI Up-Close that I receive on my phone. I really enjoy reading Chris Katulka’s commentary in the added transcript. It is very helpful for me because I am hearing-impaired and have trouble listening w/o the accompanying video w/ subtitles.

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