February 09, 2019 | The Common Thread, Part 5

God Shows David Mercy & Grace

Have you ever read through some of the Old Testament passages and wondered what it would have been like to live as a Jewish person in those days? The 613 commandments that they had to keep can seem pretty daunting. Yet, something that we fail to see sometimes on this side of history and as believers in Jesus, is that there was a stream of God’s mercy and grace that was present in and through the Law. This week we will see that mercy and grace played out in David’s life. David was a man after God’s own heart but as king, he committed an act that according to the Law, deserved death. He committed adultery and covered it up through murder. But as we will learn, God spares his life.

Chris will share how God will respond to a repentant heart over a stubborn heart. In Psalm 51 we see how David saw the depth of his depravity and sin. David refers to God’s character, something that he knows because of his knowledge of Scripture. And we see that even though David deserves death according to the Law that was given to his people from God, God has mercy and grace and forgives him and spares his life.

Why did God do that? Why didn’t God simply wipe David out and start again with another king? It is because of the promise God made to his great (x11) grandfather, Abraham. God chose to use the line of Abraham, which is the line of Judah, which is the line of David to bring the Messiah to bless the world! There’s the common thread we keep seeing as we take this journey through the Bible. It’s connecting us all back to Abraham. What a detailed-driven, compassionate God we serve!

If you’ve missed the previous episodes of this series, you can find them in our Archives.

Continue to Part 6

Charting the Bible Chronologically

This hardbound, full color piece by authors Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice gives you a panoramic view of the events recorded in Scripture. With more than 40 charts of timelines and overviews of major empires, Bible characters, and events throughout history —we know you will enjoy it and reference it as much as we do as you study God’s Word both privately and with a group.


Apples of Gold: The Survivor

Zvi admitted it is not easy sharing the gospel of Jesus to his people, because most do not want to hear it. Recently a friend came to his home and told him about an elderly Holocaust survivor who would not speak about spiritual things with anyone else but another survivor. Zvi, being a Holocaust survivor himself, agreed to speak with the man. Their conversation will show you how God works through his people.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this week’s show:

»Walk By Night (Ketsa) CC BY-SA 4.0

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