October 19, 2019 | Discovering the Psalms: Temple Worship (Pt. 2)

Psalms: Ancient Israel

As we continue in our series “Discovering the Psalms,” we go to ancient Israel where we’ll learn about Psalms the Israelites used to worship God and welcome new kings. Much of the Psalms speak of sacrifices and kings. Chris will take us to the New Testament and show us how those Psalms were used in describing Jesus—our great sacrifice and King! Isn’t it amazing how the Bible connects?

30 Days in the Land of the Psalms


30 Days in the Land of the Psalms will take you through the land of Israel and give you insight into the psalmists’ points of reference and writing styles to better appreciate this special book of the Bible. Some of the psalms remain “locked” in a sense, containing references to places and objects modern readers have never seen and can’t picture. Charlie Dyer’s book will help give better insight into the backgrounds of the psalms, giving you the ability to better worship God!


Psalms: Modern Day

We’ve been learning that the book Psalms are songs and poetry. Chris will show us how we’re still singing songs of encouragement and praise by new authors in our churches today. We’ll hear how the tragic story of a businessman led to the writing of one of the most popular and comforting hymns of our time.

If you missed Part One of this series, Listen Now

Apples of Gold: The Expert

Many arrive at the Western Wall early and read so fast that no one can understand them. This is so they can return to their homes as quickly as possible. Upon encountering some of these men at the wall, Zvi asks, “I see your Bible is open to Psalm 24. Do you know the one about whom King David is speaking?” Listen to this week’s dramatic reading from the life of Holocaust survivor, Zvi Kalisher, to find out more about this conversation. 

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

» Hymns of Comfort and Praise, by Timothy Shaw

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