June 13, 2020 | Understanding the New Covenant, Part 1

Historical Context of the New Testament

Surrender! That was the prophet Jeremiah’s message to the people of Judah. God was going to use Babylon to judge His people, and the Israelites’ disobedience meant nothing could stop the disaster to come. But in one of their darkest moments, God made a new promise to His people. This week we’ll begin our series analyzing this New Covenant that changed the way God deals with humanity forever.

In the Old Testament, Israel’s primary focus was to keep the Law. Yet the Israelites couldn’t keep the Law perfectly—no one could! So God spoke through Jeremiah and Ezekiel to promise hope in the form of the New Covenant. God said He would write His law on the hearts of the Israelites. He promised to return them to the land of Israel and to put His Spirit in them. How comforting to know that even though we can’t be perfectly obedient we can still have fellowship with God!

Online Prophecy Conference


While COVID-19 may have made it impossible to gather in person, our prophecy conference will continue online this year! 

We invite you to join us from the comfort of your own home from July 12th through July 15th for our conference—Anchored: Hope Secured in Turbulent Times. We’ll be discussing the presence of God in our trials, as He is our anchor who provides peace when we need it most.


Apples of Gold: ‘Return to Me’, Says the Lord

Two young men asked Zvi for directions to the nearest synagogue after they explained to him that their synagogue was locked and they could not pray. Zvi asked them, “If every synagogue were locked, would you not pray?” The men were shocked by his disregard for Jewish customs that they felt were necessary to earn God’s favor. Though some of the older men warned the younger men not to listen to Zvi, they received more than directions when he used the opportunity to share truth and God’s love with them.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 1

  1. I listened for the first time to your show,I wasn’t aware of it,but now I am!!!! When I finished and was bringing in my things from outside,a song from 1967 came to my mind, “I’m your puppet” I know that sounds silly,but after listening to the manipulation of people by politics and coron19 I couldn’t help but think are we being puppets? I want to stay shielded by Jesus,so that my human will not be swayed out of the spiritual realm of safety.I hope you understand what I mean.I want to be so close to Jesus that I can only see the need for others to see Him.I don’t want to be this world’s “puppet!”
    Thank you for your message

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