June 20, 2020 | Understanding the New Covenant, Part 2

Jesus’ Blood Sealed the New Covenant

Jesus came to Earth to radically change the hearts of the Israelites and to bring forgiveness for the sins of the world. Because of Jesus’ blood, the New Covenant brings blessing to Israel and all who place their faith in Him for salvation. In part 2 of our three-week series on the New Covenant, we’re remembering and celebrating how Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross sealed this covenant.

The Jewish community knew about the New Covenant before Jesus was born, but the Israelites’ sin stood between them and the full enjoyment of God’s blessing. God promised He would change their hearts and help them live in obedience. Through His sacrifice Jesus not only established His promises to Israel; He also gave all who believe in Him the right to be the sons and daughters of God. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus’ blood bought our freedom from sin!

If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can Listen Here!

Online Prophecy Conference


While COVID-19 may have made it impossible to gather in person, our prophecy conference will continue online this year! 

We invite you to join us from the comfort of your own home from July 12th through July 15th for our conference—Anchored: Hope Secured in Turbulent Times. We’ll be discussing the presence of God in our trials, as He is our anchor who provides peace when we need it most.


Apples of Gold: How Can We Believe in Jesus and Still Say We are Jews?

After living in Israel for 36 years, Zvi could walk down the street and be recognized by many. Some greeted him warmly, others greeted him with scorn and ridicule. One man stopped and looked at him in shock and said, “Are you still alive? People like you should be dead!” When Zvi replied by sharing his faith in Jesus, the man accused him of believing in a new religion. With a crowd around him, Zvi explained to them that believing in Jesus was not something new but something God talked about in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.

We here at The Friends of Israel Today consider it a blessing to be able to share with you, our listening friends, biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, and it's only possible because of you!

Your gifts help us reach people all around the globe with our message of truth to bless the Jewish people. If the Lord leads you and you believe Christians need to hear the truth about Israel and the Jewish people, we ask that you prayerfully consider a gift so we can continue to bring these truths to you and others as well. Any amount is a blessing to our program and we are so thankful for your support.

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The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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