October 3, 2020 | The Feast of Tabernacles


Every year at Christmas we are reminded that God came to Earth to dwell with humanity. Likewise, the Jewish holiday Sukkot, also called the Feast of Tabernacles, is a time to remember when God dwelled with people, specifically His Chosen People, in the Old Testament. This holiday celebrates God’s presence among the Israelites during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. God commanded them to live in temporary shelters during this week-long holiday. 

Today the Jewish people don’t live in these booths they construct and connect to their homes, but they do eat in them to observe the holiday. Sukkot celebrates the very close presence of God in the Israelites’ lives, but we who believe in Jesus have the very same reason to celebrate: We have the Holy Spirit living in us at all times! You’ll get the whole scope of Sukkot in this week’s program, the conclusion of our three-part series highlighting the fall feasts of Israel.

The Feasts of Israel: Seasons of The Messiah

By Bruce Scott

The Bible is a Jewish book written by Jewish writers with a Jewish worldview. That means the holidays and feasts of the Old Testament have hidden meanings that are clear in a Jewish context that we should know too!

The Feasts of Israel: Seasons of the Messiah will teach you the fullness of Jesus’ ministry by explaining the rich symbolism of the feasts of Israel.


Apples of Gold: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord

Zvi said hello to a teacher and his pupils at a bus stop. The teacher was rude and did not respond to him. Zvi asked why he was being rude, and the teacher explained that because Zvi did not wear a covering on his head, he assumed he was an atheist. Zvi explained that choosing not to follow such a man-made law did not make a person an atheist. Their discussion allowed Zvi to share the good news of who the true Messiah is.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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