October 31, 2020 | U.S. Elections and the Impact on Israel

Interview: Dr. Jim Showers

As Election Day quickly approaches in the United States, many issues factor into people’s voting considerations. Everything from the economy to social issues to foreign affairs takes center stage, and citizens vote according to the proposed ideals that most align with their own. But one of the most significant positions believers take into effect when voting is how the candidates view and plan to engage with Israel.

Chris sits down with The Friends of Israel Executive Director Jim Showers to discuss the presidential candidates’ track record and plans for the United States’ relationship with Israel. They analyze how this election will affect Israel and just how much of a role the candidates’ policies toward Israel will play in the election. Chris and Jim provide you with the information you’re seeking about each candidate’s plans to relate to the Jewish nation.

The Case for Zionism

By Thomas Ice

Our love for the nation of Israel drives us here at The Friends of Israel. But just why should we as Christians support Israel?

Thomas Ice answers this question thoroughly in his book The Case for Zionism. Though some evangelical communities have begun to abandon modern Israel and its importance in Bible prophecy, this book will counter this movement to explain why Zionism is more important than ever.



The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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