January 2, 2021 | How God Relates With Us, Part One (REBROADCAST)

This program is a rebroadcast from January 7, 2017.

How God Relates With Us

Today we will look at how our great God relates with His people, both past and present. The God of this universe, Maker of the heavens and earth, wants a relationship with us. First we look at the Trinity, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Son; God is three distinct persons who interact and relate with one another but are one. But how does God interact with us? We’re sinful, unreliable, and just plain messy! God relates to us through covenants. What is a covenant? It’s a promise initiated by God to a particular person or group of people. So how does that work exactly? Listen and find out.

2016 Prophecy Conference CD Set

If you take a step back and look at the Bible’s theme you will see it’s a beautiful story of redemption. And what’s even more beautiful is to how God chose Israel to be central in His redemptive plan to repair the world.

Our 2016 Prophecy Conference highlights are available for purchase as a CD set or individual downloads. Enjoy excellent teaching from The Friends of Israel’s Bible teachers. And think about joining us at one of our annual conferences!


Resolution 2334

At the end of 2016 the United Nations passed Resolution 2334 against Israel. This resolution essentially called the Israeli residents living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem illegal residents. Chris explains how the UN ignores Israel’s right to their homeland and does anything but promote peace.

Support the Vital Work of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Before Midnight, December 31!


Help fund vital ministry outreaches at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. Our year-end goal is to raise $500,000 to ensure the services, assistance, and care to the Jewish communities continue without missing a beat.

Thank you for giving toward the life-changing work of The Friends of Israel before midnight, December 31.

Every dollar you can give makes a difference.

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Apples of Gold: This Man Whom You Call Your Savior

One day during music class, Zvi’s son chose to play “Holy, Holy, Holy” on his saxophone for a test. His teacher loved the music and inquired about the lyrics. When he heard them, the teacher decided to inquire with Zvi that evening at his home to see where and why his son knew a Christian song. Zvi feared the teacher would refuse to teach his son if he found out they were Christians. Listen how God had already worked out the details and Zvi was able to share his faith in Christ with this man.

Read Zvi’s life story by Elwood McQuaid in Zvi: The Miraculous Story Of Triumph Over the Holocaust.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this week’s show:
»Walk By Night, Ketsa
»Last Look, Ketsa
»There’s a Wideness In God’s Mercy, Timothy Shaw, Timothy Shaw at the Piano

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