February 13, 2021 | The Backgrounds of the Jewish People, Part 4

Jewish Remnant in the Land of Israel

This week we finish our series on the backgrounds of the Jewish people. We’ve studied the Ashkenazi, Sehpardic, and Mizrahi backgrounds, and these three make up much of the Diaspora—Jewish people who live outside the Promised Land. But this final group’s claim to fame is something the other backgrounds do not share: a native presence in the land of Israel.

Chris walks us through history to show us how the Jewish people have miraculously managed to maintain an unbroken residency in Israel. Their journey tells the story not only of how the Jewish people endured in their land but how Israel came to be reborn as a modern nation and the impact that the rise of kibbutzim had on it. Find out why the city of Petah Tikva is such an important piece of the history of this background, and see how God’s faithfulness is shown through the constant presence of Jewish people in the land of Israel!

If you missed the previous shows of this series, you can Listen Now in our archives.

Jewish Culture and Customs

By Steve Herzig

You may love the Jewish people, but what do you know about their culture? Do you know about their symbolic customs that date back thousands of years and the special meaning they hold? 

Enjoy a front-row seat to the colorful traditions and lifestyles of the Jewish people with Jewish Culture and Customs! Order your copy of Steve Herzig’s personal and entertaining book today!


Apples of Gold: Sitting on Top of a Volcano

Zvi returns to work after another harrowing stretch of military service. His co-workers are shocked that he has survived. To which he replies, “Is it perhaps because the Lord has a plan for me—to proclaim His gospel—that He saved me? I am sure of this. And this is not the first time that the Lord has saved me. I have been in similar situations before, but, as you can see, I am safe and sound. Is it not a miracle?”

Zvi’s unique story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s biography, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available in our online store.

A compilation of Zvi’s stories are also available in the book, “The Best of Zvi,” available in our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Your gifts help us reach people all around the globe with our message of truth to bless the Jewish people. If the Lord leads you and you believe Christians need to hear the truth about Israel and the Jewish people, we ask that you prayerfully consider a gift so we can continue to bring these truths to you and others as well. Any amount is a blessing to our program and we are so thankful for your support.

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Comments 2

  1. I love the readings from Apples of Gold. Is there a way I can purchase the audio version of this book for my mom – she is legally blind and it is very hard for her to read books, and I know she would love to listen to it.

    1. Thank you for listening, Michael! We’re happy to hear you enjoy our program. You can find all of our Apples of Gold recordings at https://www.foi.org/zvikalisher/. If you are referring to the book, Jewish Culture & Customs, we unfortunately do not have that available in audio format, however, we do carry it as an eBook (where it can be magnified on a device) and we offer a DVD as well. Those can be found in our online store here: https://store.foi.org/search.aspx?searchterm=jewish+culture+and+customs&searchtype=Any. If you have any other questions, please let us know. Blessings!

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