June 26, 2021 | Unity in the Church: Ephesians, Part 1

Ephesians, Part 1

Our 2-week study of Ephesians begins this week, and that means we’re learning about Greek culture and checking out the city of Ephesus from the book of Acts! Remember when a mob rioted to try to drive Paul out of its city for disturbing its pagan businesses? That city was Ephesus, a thriving, powerful, commercial hub in the Roman Empire. Lots of money flowed in and out of the city, with idol worship accounting for a big part of their revenue. 

You can understand why the city’s merchants wanted to get rid of Paul and the gospel message he shared that convinced people to turn from idols. But God’s plans were too great to be stopped. Find out how He worked through Paul to spiritually revive souls in Ephesus as we learn how God can use you to change lives with nothing more than the gospel.

Jerusalem in Prophecy Online Conference

July 18-20, 2021

Discover the fate of Jerusalem in our special 3-day, 12-session online conference! You’ll learn through Scripture what has made this city the subject of world powers’ attention throughout history, what is still to come, and how God is guiding its destiny.


Apples of Gold: Zvi and His Wife are Miraculously Spared

Zvi and his wife missed their bus to Jerusalem. They caught the next bus and found out shortly after that the bus they missed was attacked by terrorists. As they passed the bus and the carnage, a passenger on their bus exclaimed that they all must go home and put oil on their mezuzahs and thank God for preserving their lives. Zvi called out his pride and said that he chose rather to pray for the victims and their families. He then explained how they, the Jewish people, should be a light to all other nations not by empty superstitions but by real faith in God.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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