August 28, 2021 | Kidron Saga, Part 5

Kidron Saga, Part 5: The Holy Spirit

God has dwelled with humanity in some extraordinary ways throughout history: in the Garden of Eden, the Tabernacle, the Temple, and in the person of Jesus Christ. But today He dwells with people in an even more personal way—in the hearts of all who believe in Him! Our focus in part 5 of our 6-part Kidron saga celebrates the wonderful truth that God is at work inside those of us who love and put our faith in Him.

To dwell in the presence of God is an incredible blessing. How sweet is it to enjoy His presence through the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us every day! Because of His Spirit, God has made each and every believer a tabernacle and a temple that houses His presence. Let’s remember to walk through our days with this in mind and with the joy that comes from living in the power of Christ’s resurrection!

If you missed the first four parts of this series, you can find them on our Archives page!

Jerusalem in Prophecy

Why has Jerusalem been so important throughout world history? And what lies ahead for the holy city? Discover the extensive prophetic program Scripture reveals for Jerusalem in this masterful study of the eternal capital of Israel!


Apples of Gold: The Peacemaker

Seeing a man distraught one evening, Zvi approached him and asked if he was okay. When he heard the man had spent all of his money on gambling, Zvi told him he needed to find peace from the only One who could change his heart. The man had relationships to repair with his family, so Zvi helped the man get home to tell his wife the truth about his gambling. He then took time to share God’s promises for everlasting life with them.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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