October 9, 2021 | History of Church Doctrine with Dr. Michael Svigel, Part 1

Interview: Dr. Michael Svigel, Christian Doctrine and the Early Church

A bad reputation is brewing among evangelical Christians. As a whole we’ve been found lacking in our knowledge of biblical doctrine. That’s a problem we need to address! Dr. Michael Svigel is part of the solution. He’s written RetroChristianity: Reclaiming the Forgotten Faith and is a voice of wisdom on the topic of doctrinal development in the early church. 

Dr. Svigel joins this week’s show to share insight into this highly important, highly overlooked historical aspect of our faith. It’s tricky trying to trace how theology developed, as fears of human error disrupting the Word of God can creep into our minds. But Dr. Svigel effectively sets the record straight in this week’s interview, which will be continued in part 2 of his interview next week. Ultimately we’ll discover how so many denominations and varying beliefs within evangelical circles have affected and will continue to affect Christianity going forward.

Check out Dr. Svigel’s Amazon Author Page HERE!

Two Millennia of Church History

Since it began in Acts 2, the church has moved from first-century Orthodoxy to the Crusading church of the Middle Ages to the Reformation to modern movements such as liberal theology and Pentecostalism. Trace the course of church history in this well-explained booklet to learn the origins and progression of your own faith!


Apples of Gold: How Do You Know That You Follow The Truth?

Imagine the surprise when Zvi opened the door one day to a rabbi and his followers who had previously yelled and rebuked him concerning his faith years before on a crowded bus. The men had no idea who lived in the house where they knocked. They were simply traveling around telling people about the man they believed was the Messiah: Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a rabbi from New York. Zvi invited them into his house where he shared the truth of the Scriptures to these men seeking the Messiah.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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