January 22, 2022 | The Friends of Israel DNA Roundtable, Part 1

FOI DNA Roundtable, Part 1

You probably know The Friends of Israel serves and blesses the Jewish people and teaches biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, but do you really know what The Friends of Israel is all about? Here to give you an up-close-and-personal look at our ministry are the men who know it best. Executive Director Jim Showers, North American Ministries Director Steve Herzig, and International Ministries Director Mike Stallard present our ministry’s storied timeline in part 1 of a 2-part look at The Friends of Israel (FOI).

We have historic roots dating back to the beginning of the Holocaust, before Israel was even reestablished as a nation! Working your way through the early decades of ministry, you’ll discover the people responsible for beginning and extending the ministry’s work and the inception of our beloved magazine, Israel My Glory. There’s a lot of FOI knowledge in the room for this week’s roundtable discussion, so settle in to hear the story of the work this ministry has done in the name of Jesus the Messiah for more than 80 years!

You can learn more about the history of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry on Our History page.

As mentioned in this program, Zvi Kalisher was an amazing witness for Christ and though he is now with the Lord, he continues to be a blessing to FOI.  You can read his life story in Elwood McQuaid’s book, Zvi: The Miraculous Story Of Triumph Over the Holocaust. Order your copy today!

(Above photo: The founders of The Friends of Israel. Seated from left to right: Lydia Buksbazen, Dr. Victor Buksbazen, Judge Edward Griffiths, Rev. Theo Wray, Robert Grasberger, and Der. Walter Riemann. Standing, left to right: Victor Buksbazen Jr., Rev. Stewart Rankin, secretaries Miss M. Hutison and Miss E. Phillips, Robert Ekeland, Dr. Melvin Forney, Lester O’Flaherty, Mrs. Mary Smith, and Robert Wolf.)

Here We Stand: 19 Key Christian Beliefs

“As long as I know Jesus as my Savior, why does it matter what else I believe?”

If you’ve ever felt this way, don’t give up! Learn why you believe what you believe so you can share your faith effectively with this booklet featuring 19 key Christian beliefs. Here We Stand will guide you to a clear understanding of Jesus, creation, salvation, Scripture, the church, Israel, the end times, and more.


Awaken Online Conference

Christ is coming again soon! But what are the warning signs we should be looking for? And what lies ahead for believers? AWAKEN will encourage and equip you for the coming Day of the Lord, the Rapture of the church, and the restoration of God’s Kingdom! 

Join us online for this free, 2-night virtual conference featuring The Friends of Israel’s expert Bible teachers!



The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Thursday, January 27, is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day set aside to honor the 6 million Jewish victims and millions of helpless others who became victims under Nazi rule. May we never allow the horrors of the Holocaust fade into the mists of time.

Will you join us this International Holocaust Remembrance Day and re-affirm your unwavering support for the Jewish people by doing your part to help counter anti-Semitism around the world?

May God bless those whose lives today are still impacted by the horrors of the Holocaust.

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Israel My Glory


Comments 2

  1. This was a great program today (1/22/22)! I get emails, Israel My Glory, have Zvi’s book, have ordered books & tell others about you. It was great for me to hear how the ministry started. Does Steve remember when he was at WPEO & spoke about Romans 9, 10, 11 @ churches in our area?

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