July 30, 2022 | Divine Portraits of God, Part 3: Suffering


When we face trials, many of us often feel abandoned by God, left to suffer alone. Yet our suffering not only has purpose; it also helps us see the beautiful character of our Lord! In part 3 of our 4-part series of Divine Portraits of God, Chris walks us through the delicate subject of suffering from the book of Lamentations. The prophet Jeremiah discovered how we can endure our suffering: by knowing God is present with us through it all.

Suffering is not pointless. We are called to be faithful in our suffering, and we know we can be faithful because God is faithful all the time. Jesus knew about suffering better than anyone. He endured the worst pain—physically on the cross, but even more so from bearing the sin of the world on Himself—yet He knew God would remain faithful. We should remember this truth in our suffering! Learn how to find purpose and strength in your suffering in this critically important portrait of God!

If you missed the first two parts of this series, you can Visit our Archives.

Written in Stone: Kings and Prophets DVD


Discover the fascinating world of archaeology that makes the Bible come to life! This DVD’s archaeological evidence focuses on the era of Israel’s kings and prophets, including a look at Jewish life during Babylonian exile, the bones of kings, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. You’ll find your faith in Scripture strengthened through these phenomenal discoveries!


Apples of Gold: I Am Not Ashamed of the Testimony of the Lord

Zvi’s check-up at the doctor’s office began with a man shouting the Psalms in the waiting room. As he asked the man to speak more quietly, Zvi assured him that God would still hear him. Coincidentally, the two men remembered each other from their time serving in the military together. This caused the man to listen closely, as Zvi had become so much more serious since their time together. As the conversation drew others to listen, Zvi took this opportunity to preach the truth of the Messiah.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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