January 7, 2023 | The Abrahamic Promise & What it Means For You

The Abrahamic Covenant

God’s Word is advancing throughout the world, but many evangelicals are missing the message of God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people—and our responsibility toward them as well. It’s important to remember that our support for Israel is biblical, not political. We find the root of that support in Genesis 12: God’s covenant with Abraham. This promise has defined the Lord’s relationship with His Chosen People and our responsibility toward them ever since it was made thousands of years ago. 

The Friends of Israel’s identity is inherently tied to the Abrahamic Covenant. In 1938 bold Christians stepped forward in faith to help the Jewish people persecuted by the Nazis. They established our ministry both to supply tangible help to the Jewish people in great need and to faithfully teach the truth of God’s Word concerning His Chosen People. God’s promise to Abraham means that we will always share this calling to bless and defend Israel and the Jewish people!

The Common Thread DVD


There’s a special promise in the Bible that extends from Genesis to Revelation. The Common Thread: Tracing God’s Faithfulness from Abraham to You presents that promise—God’s covenant with Abraham. Filmed on location, hosted by Chris Katulka, this eight-session study will take you from the Sea of Galilee to Tel Aviv to the Mount of Olives and many historic Israeli sites in between. As you track the story of God’s faithfulness, you’ll see how His promise with Abraham blesses the whole world through the Jewish people.


Apples of Gold: Arab Neighbors

Arab nations proudly shouted the slogan, “Butcher the Jews! Cast them into the sea!” Despite this inborn animosity Arabs had for Jewish people and their right to the land of Israel, Zvi always tried to treat his Arab neighbors with love and kindness. Once he could break down their blind hatred of Jewish people, he then tried to share the love of the Messiah with them from the Scriptures. Listen and find out how he shared his faith with one very important man in the Arab neighborhood.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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