Angel Statue

June 24, 2023 | Angels & Demons, Part 1 (REBROADCAST)

This program is a rebroadcast from February 27, 2021.

What Does the Bible Say About Angels?

What do you think of when you hear the word “angels”? Maybe you picture halos, wings, and white robes. Despite what movies and TV shows want you to think, there’s a lot more to angels than that! The only trustworthy information about angels comes from God’s Word, and that’s where we’re taking you this week.

Discover the true nature, activities, and importance of angels in this program, part 1 of a 2-part series on angels and demons. Chris teaches us what these messengers and agents of God do in our world today and what makes them so different from you and me. You’ll also enjoy hearing about Gabriel and Michael, the most well-known biblical angels, and what they do in Scripture. Don’t miss this exciting program!

Those Invisible Spirits Called Angels


What people believe about angels and what the Bible says about them are two very different things! In Dr. Renald Showers' detailed study, you’ll learn the truth about angels, including: what angels are, how holy angels and evil angels spend their time, and how angels interact with you.

You’ll be surprised at what you learn about these mysterious beings! Grab your copy today!


Apples of Gold: No Dreams—Just Facts

While Zvi was serving in the Israeli Defense Force, he was on night duty with some religious soldiers. Night watch can be very boring, so to pass the time, these men told stories. When Zvi got a chance to speak, the men got into a spirited conversation about Jesus. They were all amazed to see that Jesus was not only found in the New Testament but also all throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. Listen how Zvi boldly but gently spoke to these curious soldiers.


Biblical Insights Into the Global Transformation

Discover how the sweeping global changes we are witnessing relate to God's ongoing conflict with Satan and His plan to triumph over the Evil One. You will be strengthened in your faith and grow in the hope to endure these troubling days.

Learn More


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Your gifts help us to continue proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.

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Comments 1

  1. Satan’s original name is also revealed, Lucifer, so there are 3 angels named in the Scriptures. Is Michael the protector of Israel today? Apparently not. Daniel 12:1 indicates that’s a future role for him.

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