King David

July 22, 2023 | King David, Part 1 (The Shepherd)

King David: The Shepherd

David is one of the most important figures in God’s story of redemption in the Bible. We can follow David’s life from his youth to his death throughout the Old Testament to learn what made him known as “the man after God’s own heart” and an ancestor in Jesus’ lineage. Chris opens a series on David in this week’s broadcast to show his path from shepherd boy to the shepherd king of Israel. 

The sins of Saul, the first king of Israel, paved David’s path to the throne. But before he took the throne, David faced an almost impossible task: slaying Goliath, the Philistine giant. But David walked in faith and used his experience as a shepherd to protect the people of Israel and defeat Goliath. As David shepherded his flocks of sheep, God chose Him to gather the 12 tribes of His people and shepherd them as king. Jesus, the Son of David, now guides and protects us who believe in Him for salvation as our Good Shepherd. What a blessing we can now enjoy that we first see modeled in David’s life!



Biblical Insights Into the Global Transformation

Discover how the sweeping global changes we are witnessing relate to God's ongoing conflict with Satan and His plan to triumph over the Evil One. You will be strengthened in your faith and grow in the hope to endure these troubling days.


A Memorial to Mike Kellogg

Mike Kellogg(1941—2023) Mike Kellogg, the voice of Zvi Kalisher in our Apples of Gold segment that you hear each week recently went home to be with the Lord. Mike was in newspaper and radio news and production for almost 50 years, both in secular and Christian venues. In 2014 he retired from Moody Radio after 42 years. He narrated the first recorded version of the NLT version of the Bible. For nearly 30 years he taught at Moody Bible Institute as adjunct professor in communications. He and his wife, Nancy Smith Kellogg, were married in 1965 and enjoyed rearing their six children and 19 grandchildren together. We are thankful to the Lord for Mike’s years of ministry and the way he served The Friends of Israel as the voice of Zvi Kalisher.

To hear all of Mike Kellogg’s Apples of Gold segments, you can visit

Apples of Gold: This Book is for Everyone

A man’s children can play a big part in his ministry. Zvi’s children helped him be an effective witness by their loving attitude toward others. They grew up playing with their Arab neighbors, and when Zvi saw these neighbors 35 years later, he found that prejudice had overtaken them. They assumed that his children hated them, but Zvi explained that he taught his children to love. This opened the door for a discussion about the Book that they lived their lives by.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Comments 2

  1. The fact that David violated 5 of the commandments of the Decalogue and Jehovah still describes him as a “man after God’s heart” attests to the grace and mercy of our loving God. Condolences to his family and the FOI family in the homegoing of Mike Kellogg.

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