Ground bomb shelters in Israel for shelter from rocket attacks

September 2, 2023 | Interview w/ Shmuel Bowman, Operation Lifeshield

Rabbi Shmuel Bowman, Operation Lifeshield

Meet an Israeli hero who is saving lives in the Holy Land! On this week’s broadcast, Chris speaks with Shmuel Bowman, executive director of Operation Lifeshield, about the amazing work Shmuel’s organization carries out in Israel. Operation Lifeshield places bomb shelters throughout Israel’s most threatened communities to protect Israelis from rocket strikes. 

Steve Conover, executive vice president of The Friends of Israel and co-host of The Friends of Israel Today, steps in to share about his recent trip to northern Israel, where he witnessed the impact of Operation Lifeshield’s bomb shelters firsthand. Not only does Shmuel carry out this lifesaving mission; he also is a Torah scribe! Enjoy this interview with one of Israel’s most remarkable defenders and unsung heroes!

You can learn more about Operation Lifeshield at

To be a part of this life-saving effort, give today to our Israel Relief Fund.


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The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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