Apostle Paul writing a letter

September 30, 2023 | Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Part 4

Reconciliation and Eternal Security

Christians are called to the ministry of reconciliation. In Romans 5:10, Paul shared this wonderful truth: “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” In part 4 of our series on the book of Romans, Chris teaches the beauty of lost sinners being saved and reconciled to our holy God. 

In Christ, we are saved from God’s wrath against sin and find peace in the Holy Spirit. But you may struggle to feel this peace if you’ve been stuck in sin, even after trusting in Christ for salvation. How can you be assured that you are still reconciled to God? Because of Scripture’s teaching on the eternal security of our salvation! Learn why you can be confident that your salvation through Christ lasts forever in this week’s study of reconciliation!

If you missed the previous parts to this series, you can catch up in our Archives.


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Apples of Gold: A New Spirit

Zvi always found a way to speak of his Savior – even in the tax office! Because of a simple question about dates, he opened the door for spiritual conversation with the auditor. When another clerk tried to turn Zvi away, God was just broadening Zvi’s audience to witness to these men. God used a conversation about taxes to reach into the heart of another Jewish person in need of the saving message of His grace.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Your gifts help us to continue proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.

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Comments 2

  1. Thank you , thank you very much my dear friends for standing with Israel at such as this. The Jewish nation is at war for its survival and need God and our support and prayers. Interestingly many Christians are not seeing the dangers surrounding Israel and are taking things in a “business as usual..” way. Some “bible believing Christians’ are even criticizing Israel not knowing that if Israel falls, Christianity is next in line. If there is no peace in Jerusalem and Israel, there will never be peace the world over. I, for one will never stop supporting, praying and blessing what God has blessed-Israel. For now I am by the rivers of Babylon and am weeping..
    I have also made a vow with Jerusalem that…. “If I forget you, Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget its skill. Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth, If I don’t remember you; If I don’t prefer Jerusalem above my chief joy.” and I thank God that I have found some good like-minded friends like you… Thank God who connected us at such a time as this

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