October 21, 2023 | Israel at War Update w/ Jim Showers

Israel at War Update with Jim Showers

When Hamas terrorists killed and wounded thousands of Israelis and launched thousands of missiles into the Jewish state, they forced Israel into a brutal war. To help you grapple with Israel’s war with Hamas, The Friends of Israel (FOI) Executive Director Jim Showers shares how our FOI workers are doing in Israel, how Hamas’s attack caught Israel by surprise, and how we should think of this war in light of the end-times.

Then, Chris gives a clear update on what has happened in Israel this week, sharing what is truly happening on the ground level, which is not often reported. He discusses how Israel has encouraged Gazans to flee for their safety while Hamas has attempted to block them from leaving, essentially holding them hostage as human shields against Israel. It appears Hamas has even bombed evacuation routes to frame Israel. But Israel will be vindicated as it battles terrorism! This week’s show will help you grasp the reality of the war and the challenges Israel must overcome in the coming days.

If you feel called to help Israel find hope in these dark times, you can help save lives with a gift by visiting foi.org/standwithisrael. Thank you for your faithful support for Israel and the Jewish people.




The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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