December 9, 2023 | Interview w/ Pastor Kai Hoess

Interview w/ Pastor Kai Hoess

God works in hearts all around the world, drawing lost souls to a saving knowledge of Himself. Many who receive Christ and study Scripture faithfully sense God’s calling to stand with and bless Israel and the Jewish people. But perhaps the last people you would expect to love the Jewish people would be the descendants of Nazis. Yet, some stories of such obedience to the Lord shine through. 

This week, Pastor Kai Hoess from Stuttgart, Germany, shares his remarkable testimony. Kai, the grandson of a Nazi commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, is a Christian friend of Israel with an incredible story to share. As he serves the Lord as a pastor in Germany, he teaches God’s Word in the context of God’s great love for and promises to the Jewish people. Kai’s life is an inspirational journey that will remind you of the great blessings you have as a friend of Israel!

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December 7-15, 2023

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The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Comments 2

  1. Was so uplifted with Pastor Kai’s testimony! The Lord is moving in these last days and we need to win people to Him. Time is short! Maranatha

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