Apostle Paul writing a letter

January 13, 2024 | Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Part 5

Israel’s Distinct Place in God’s Redemptive Plan

Our series on Paul’s letter to the Romans in September covered the Jewish context of the epistle, atonement, Jesus’ righteousness, reconciliation, redemption, and the eternal security of our salvation. But Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel and the ensuing war interrupted our series in October, as information on the war took precedence in our broadcasts. This week, we put a bow on our series on the life-changing truths of Romans with a look at Israel’s distinct place in God’s plan of redemption for the world.

God gave unique gifts to His Chosen People to set them apart from the world and demonstrate their calling and election. Israel wasn’t chosen by merit; God chose the nation because of His grace and covenantal promises. Through Israel’s gifts, even Gentiles can enjoy the greatest blessings we have on Earth, including God’s Word and saving grace through Jesus the Messiah. Enjoy these unforgettable truths about Israel’s special role, their gifts to the world, and God’s enduring faithfulness and love on this week’s show!

If you missed the previous parts to this series, you can catch up in our Archives.

The Common Thread DVD Bible Study

Way back in the beginning of the Old Testament God made a promise that changed the trajectory of one man’s life. In our new bible study DVD, The Common Thread, you’ll begin to see how that very same promise impacts you!

Travel through the Holy Land with this DVD as our host Chris Katulka traces God’s faithfulness from Abraham to you!


Apples of Gold: Where Did I Go Astray?

When an old army friend met Zvi, he was drawn to the happiness he saw in him. The friend was sad because two of his sons were in the army. Yet Zvi had three sons in the army and was perfectly at peace. Zvi’s joy allowed him to start a discussion with his friend about the trust and peace that God gave him. Using both the Old and New Testaments, Zvi shared the joy of the Lord with his friend.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Your gifts help us to continue proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.

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