January 27, 2024 | Monumental Moses Moments, Part 2

Responding to God’s Glory

God’s glory is awesome and overwhelming—and yet God is willing to reveal His perfect character to us! He showed Moses His glory on Mount Sinai after the Israelites’ sin with the golden calf, revealing that He is merciful, gracious, patient, loving, faithful, just, and forgiving. In part 2 of our series studying the moment when God showed Moses His glory, we look at three more biblical figures who experienced the Lord’s glory.

When David committed terrible sin, he knew he deserved brutal punishment. But knowing God’s glorious character and nature, he appealed to the Lord’s mercy and steadfast love, just as He had revealed to Moses. Under much different circumstances, watching the holy city of Jerusalem’s destruction, the prophet Jeremiah likewise wrote of the Lord’s mercy and steadfast love. And the prophet Jonah, in a moment of sin, ran from God because he knew the Lord’s glorious character. Each of these men show us a theme that runs throughout Scripture and should run through our minds constantly: God is glorious and worthy of all our worship!

We encourage you to join us in reading Exodus 34:6-7 once a day this week. Let us know in the comments how it’s helped you in your understanding of God’s character and nature.

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March 8-9

The Kingdom of God According to Jesus

The Bible has much to say about the Kingdom of God and the Messiah’s role in restoring God’s Kingdom on Earth. Yet, many today are confused about this important part of the Christian faith. It doesn’t have to be complicated! Join our FREE virtual conference to study what the Bible says about the Kingdom of God and grow confident in God's perfect plan not only for the future—but for today. Register now!


Apples of Gold: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever

Zvi said hello to a teacher and his pupils at a bus stop one morning. The teacher was rude and did not respond to him. When Zvi asked him why he was so unhappy, he explained that because Zvi did not wear a covering on his head, he assumed he was an atheist and did not want him interacting with his students. Zvi explained that choosing not to follow such a man-made law did not make a person an atheist. Their discussion allowed Zvi to share the good news of the Messiah.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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