February 10, 2024 | The Davidic Covenant, Part 1

Jacob’s Blessing to Judah

This week we begin a series on the Davidic Covenant. This promise God made with King David is a foundational truth that touches so much of Scripture, including Jesus’ birth, identity, and Kingdom reign. But instead of starting with David, we’re beginning with Jacob’s blessings to his sons. Chris walks us through these unconventional blessings this week, examining why Judah, Jacob’s fourth son, received his father’s inheritance over his first three sons.

While Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn, was first in line to receive the inheritance, he and his brothers Simeon and Levi were passed over due to their sins. Yet Judah, who had his own sin issues, received a blessing with the wonderful promises of kingship, dominion, eternity, and prosperity. Through the tribe of Judah came David and, ultimately, the fulfillment of Judah’s blessings: the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Listen to this week’s broadcast to learn more about Judah’s role in God’s covenant with David!

Jacob's Dozen

Jacob's Dozen is a study of the biblical history and prophecies associated with each tribe of Israel. You'll get a better understanding of Jacob's deathbed prophecies concerning each of his 12 sons found in Genesis 49. The remarkable manner in which each prophecy was fulfilled in that tribe's history is clearly explained as well as an exploration into other fascinating subjects such as the Lost Tribes of Israel, the role of the tribes, and the end times.


Apples of Gold: The One Who is Always There

Zvi found a visit with a friend suffering from depression to be a perfect time to share the love of God. Though his friend felt like no one cared or listened to him, Zvi introduced him to the One who always hears our prayers. He used Old Testament passages to perfectly capture how God was near to his friend and how Jesus had gone through trials, too. He could relate to the man’s pain!  Zvi’s knowledge of the Old Testament caught his friend’s attention. Through this meeting, Zvi introduced his friend to the One who could give salvation and joy in the saddest moments.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Comments 2

  1. I indeed love your books. I just finished the reading of the excellent book, They looked for a city.
    Now comes the book about Lorna Simcox. YEA!
    Thank you Friends of Israel. God bless you all. Love from Judith.

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