March 9, 2024 | The Davidic Covenant, Part 4

The Son of God

Does the Old Testament ever say that God would have a son? The answer determines our right to place our faith in Jesus! This week Chris remembers a conversation with his Jewish friend that gave him a chance to share God’s promises to King David in the Davidic Covenant. In part 4 of our series on this covenant, we see why it matters that, throughout Scripture, the king of Israel is called the Son of God.

The book of Psalms features prophecies about Jesus the Messiah, revealing that He would be both the King of Israel and God’s Son. So when Jesus was born, He was God’s Son not only because of His immaculate conception but because of God’s promise that David’s descendant would rule over Israel. This week’s show will illuminate God’s promise to David, showing that it would find its fulfillment in Jesus, the Son of God and King of Israel!

If you missed the first parts of this series, you can catch up in our archives.

Prophecy Up Close Conferences

Why, when October 7 happened, did it rightfully crush the souls of every Jewish person, but not wipe out their strength completely?

Join us at one of our one-day conferences to learn the history, the future, and the ongoing struggle today for Israel’s survival—and from where that undying strength comes.


Apples of Gold: He is Waiting For You

At the bus stop, Zvi and his wife saw a special family that used to live close to them. The former neighbors showed a picture of their son who had “repented” and became Orthodox. As Zvi looked at the picture, he explained how wearing a long beard and black clothing was not true repentance but rather an attempt to please people. He then opened the Bible and showed them what true repentance looks like.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Comments 4

  1. Excellent study commentary about the son of man. 1st time reader and listener. I am always fascinated with all Bible divine revelations.

    1. Hi Billy, Please try refreshing it in your podcast app. If you still have trouble seeing the new episodes, please let us know. Thank you!

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