March 16, 2024 | The Davidic Covenant, Part 5

The Similarities Between David and Jesus

God’s covenant with King David unlocks many of Scripture’s beautiful truths, particularly about Jesus. It explains why Jesus is the King of Israel, the Messiah, the Son of God, and the Son of Man. This week we conclude our five-part series on the Davidic covenant with our focus on the ties between King David and Jesus, the King of kings.

Jesus and David shared some striking similarities. Both were just and righteous shepherds who hailed from the humble town of Bethlehem. And, interestingly, both had two comings—one of humility and suffering, one of victory and glory. Jesus became the fulfillment of God’s promise to make a permanent kingly dynasty through David’s line. We who trust Christ for salvation eagerly look forward to His Second Coming when He will reign in glory with justice and righteousness. We hope you’ve enjoyed exploring the rich depth of the Davidic Covenant with us!

If you missed the first parts of this series, you can catch up in our archives.

Prophecy Up Close Conferences

Why, when October 7 happened, did it rightfully crush the souls of every Jewish person, but not wipe out their strength completely?

Join us at one of our one-day conferences to learn the history, the future, and the ongoing struggle today for Israel’s survival—and from where that undying strength comes.


Apples of Gold: How Is It With Your Soul?

Zvi accompanied his children to an assisted living home in Israel. His children were going to play their instruments for the elderly residents. While there, Zvi saw the head doctor and realized he had served with him in the army years ago. In the past he was not open to talking about Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures. But as Zvi talked with him, he noticed something had changed. Listen to find out how God was working in this doctor’s life.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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