The Son of Man, Part 1 (Rebroadcast) | September 7, 2024

The Son of Man, Part 1

Jesus has many majestic names: King of Kings, Messiah, High Priest. Yet one we find dozens of times throughout the Gospels is Son of Man. It literally means “human being.” But the Son of Man we see in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is no mere human. It’s the Lord Jesus, the Son of God in human form.

We begin a 3-part series this week on this meaningful and intentional title for our Savior. When we first see the term “son of man” in Job, Ezekiel, and Daniel, we find it in a lowly context. It’s a subservient, wretched, suffering creature. Yet when we get to the book of Matthew, Jesus poses a question to His disciples about the Son of Man with a much different identity. Peter’s answer gives a fascinating look at another way the Old and New Testaments are inseparably connected. Be encouraged by this study of the Son of Man!

NEW Digital Media App

FOI digital media app

We’re excited to announce the launch of The Friends of Israel’s new digital media app, designed to provide you with immediate access to a growing library of biblical content, in-depth articles, and encouraging reads and listens.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures, learn how to show your love to the Jewish people, explore God’s plan for the ages, or receive daily weekday news, our app has something for you.. and it’s free!

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Apples of Gold: An Employee and a Witness

Zvi was working in a Jerusalem hospital. He saw a man that was in critical condition, and he felt led by the Lord to witness to him. Zvi listened as the man told him about his life. He had experienced tragic things and made choices that had destroyed his life. Zvi shared with him about the Living God, the One who could save him. Hear what happened next as this man heard the gospel.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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