Sukkot—The Feast of Tabernacles | October 26, 2024

Sukkot—The Feast of Tabernacles

After contemplating the solemn Day of Atonement last week, we’re following the Jewish calendar’s shift in gears and studying the festive Feast of Tabernacles this week! Also known as Sukkot, this holiday originates in Leviticus 23 as a reminder of Israel’s wilderness wanderings and a celebration of God’s provision and guidance for His people. This holiday is filled with symbolism—from the central role of light and water to the annual construction of sukkahs, or temporary shelters like those in which the Israelites dwelled in the wilderness.

Though this feast is a poignant reminder of God’s relationship to the Jewish people, Christians can benefit greatly from this day too. We should take time to thank God for His faithful provision for us and remember that He is the Living Water who quenches our spiritual thirst and the Light of the World who rescues us from spiritual darkness. We hope you choose to celebrate our great God and His gracious provision as you learn more about the Feast of Tabernacles this week!


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Apples of Gold: Led Astray by False Teachers

An elderly man struggled to board the bus to Jerusalem alone, so Zvi was quick to help him. The two sat together on the bus. Zvi was curious as to why the man’s children were not around to help their father. As the man lamented the fact that his children were of no help to him, Zvi struck up a conversation about God’s command in Exodus for children to honor their parents. Hear how this simple interaction led to a discussion about following the Lord and finding hope in Him for salvation.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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