The Sermon on the Mount Jesus God religious faith story from Bible. Generated ai

Is Jesus a Zionist? (Part 2) | May 25, 2024

Last week we studied examples from Jesus’ life that demonstrate that He was undeniably a Zionist who understood the inextricable link between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. But after Jesus’ death and resurrection, did that special connection become irrelevant? Is Jesus still a Zionist today? Chris finds the answer by taking a look at the disciples’ final …

The Sermon on the Mount Jesus God religious faith story from Bible. Generated ai

Was Jesus a Zionist? (Part 1) | May 18, 2024

Anti-Zionism is spreading throughout the world. Recently, college campuses have become hotbeds for this form of antisemitism, as protesters against Israel chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” But the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is the nation of Israel’s. The fierce wave of criticism against Zionists, those who support the Jewish …

Iran Attacks Israel! Interview with Jim Showers | April 20, 2024

Israel has been locked in a war with Hamas since October, but it now faces a much greater enemy: Iran. The Middle East powerhouse launched more than 300 drones and missiles from its own soil into Israel last Saturday night, marking the first time it had ever done so directly without using one of its proxies, like Hamas. What should …

Interview w/ Justin Kron, Hope in the Holy Land | April 13, 2024

Is the Jewish-Palestinian conflict in Israel blown out of proportion, or is it as hostile as it sounds? We hear many stories of animosity between these groups, but it’s hard to know the truth when we live far from Israel. That’s why Justin Kron, founding director of the Kesher Project, which connects the church to its Jewish roots, produced Hope …

Israel My Glory In Depth: Interview w/ Jim Showers | April 6, 2024

God’s wonderful plan of redemption stretches to everything in creation, but Israel is the key to its fulfillment. God gave the Jewish people special covenants and a special role in His plan. The apostles Peter and Paul highlighted these truths, linking Israel’s repentance from sin to Jesus the Messiah’s return and the restoration of God’s Kingdom. The Friends of Israel’s …

January 20, 2024 | Monumental Moses Moments, Part 1

Have you ever wanted God to show you His glory? Moses did. He carried the weighty privilege and responsibility of leading God’s Chosen People through the wilderness. God performed great miracles before Moses and the Israelites—speaking to him from a burning bush, delivering the people from Egypt, and parting the Red Sea to help them escape Pharaoh’s army. But one …

Apostle Paul writing a letter

January 13, 2024 | Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Part 5

Our series on Paul’s letter to the Romans in September covered the Jewish context of the epistle, atonement, Jesus’ righteousness, reconciliation, redemption, and the eternal security of our salvation. But Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel and the ensuing war interrupted our series in October, as information on the war took precedence in our broadcasts. This week, we put a bow …

November 18, 2023 | Israel at War Update w/ Jael Kalisher

What is life in Israel like right now? You’ve probably wondered what Israelis face while their nation is at war. Jael Kalisher, The Friends of Israel’s newest field representative, provides an excellent perspective on the Israel-Hamas war from her firsthand perspective as an Israeli Christian. She joins the show to speak about how we can separate fact from fiction concerning …