June 20, 2015 | #1525—The Temptations of Jesus, Part 2

  Message—The Temptations of Jesus, Part 2

This week we’re focusing on Satan’s second temptation of Jesus, found in Matt. 4:5-7.
Notice what Satan does, in this second temptation Satan uses God’s Word from Ps. 91:11-12 to push Jesus to test God. Think of it like this, in the first temptation Jesus was able to overcome it by saying, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” So Satan tempted Jesus by using the Word of God against Him.

Even Satan knows the Scriptures and can use them against us to tempt us. One commentator put it this way, “the mere use of biblical words and promise may not convey God’s will.” (Liefeld 1984: 864). Especially when it’s coming from the mouth of Satan.

Message Transcript

Interview–Consul General Yaron Sideman (@12:07)

Today we are blessed to have Consul General of Israel to the Mid-Atlantic States Yaron Sideman with us. As Consul General – Mr. Sideman serves the states of: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, West Virginia, Kentucky and Southern New Jersey since 2012.

Consul General Sideman is a graduate of the Israel National Defense College. He served in his most recent position at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Director of Congressional Affairs, where he was responsible for supervising and directing Israel’s relations to the U.S Congress.

Topics discussed include European Anti-semitism, Christian support for Israel, and Iran’s continued pursuit of nuclear technology.


Apples of Gold–”I Am Not Ashamed of Him In Whom I Believe” (@19:01)

Zvi is accused of sowing poison against God in the Holy Land. He responds, “I then opened the New Testament and read to her Romans 12:9–21, which tells believers to love others. “If you call this poison,” I told her, “then I do not know what to say. I know that all the people to whom I speak about our Savior are alive. They are happy because they have hope, and they shall never die.””


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:
»BWV deest (Emans 69): Es spricht der Unweisen Mund’ [Johann Sebastian Bach] (James Kibbie)


Available on the Free Music Archive

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