August 31, 2019 | Philemon: A Slave’s Journey Home: The Gospel Tears Down Walls, Part 3

Philemon: The Gospel Tears Down Walls, Part 3

Have you ever heard someone say the Bible is just a book of rules? The book of Philemon is a strong example of this not being the case! We are finishing our series on the book of Philemon entitled, “The Slave Journey’s Home: The Gospel Tears Down Walls.” What happens when a slave runs away, meets the Apostle Paul, becomes a believer in Jesus, and returns to his master with a letter from Paul? Reconciliation happens! Why? Because of the power of the Gospel. The Word of God is more than a book of dos and don’ts—it is alive! 

Paul has the unique privilege of knowing both Onesimus and Philemon. He is able to speak to Philemon in a real and tangible way. He tells Philemon that just as Christ forgave and reconciled him to God, he needs to forgive his new brother Onesimus and welcome him into the family of faith through reconciliation. That is living life through the lens of the Gospel. How do you need to follow Paul’s lead in your life?

If you missed Part 1 of this series, Listen Here

If you missed Part 2, Listen Here

The Jewish Roots of Christianity DVD

The DVD entitled The Jewish Roots of Christianity takes you to Jerusalem for eye-opening insights into the link between Judaism and Christianity. Watch various interviews by Israeli Christians including the Friends of Israel’s own Pastor Meno Kalisher, the son of Holocaust survivor, Zvi Kalisher.


Apples of Gold: You Are My Servant Israel

“How do I find people like me, who survived the Holocaust, so I may bring them the Gospel of Christ?” Zvi often prayed this prayer asking for opportunities from God. One day he was asked to visit a fellow Holocaust survivor who desired to share his story. Zvi was able to talk through the heartache they shared but also the hope God had provided. See how Zvi’s faithful prayers to share his faith were answered in a big way.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available in our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available in our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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